
"We roast and supply delicious, ethically sourced speciality coffee beans and provide employability opportunities for local people who have experienced long-term unemployment. Your purchase provides work experience and training, helping people move towards a more positive and hopeful future.
All our profits through coffee sales are reinvested back into the business and most importantly, into the people we train."
- The Cracked Bean Roastery Team
Our Mission
Cracked Bean Roastery is part of Cracked Pot Enterprises CIC, our mission is to:
Provide opportunities for training and employment, supporting people into financial independence by:
being a safe space for second, third, fourth chances
demonstrating a model for fulfilling work
developing opportunities through roasting and selling coffee

Ethical Beans

We are in the business of people, that's why our social aims extend to the farmers that grow our coffee beans:
We source our beans from ethical Co-operative suppliers. The farmers are paid a fair wage based on their actual production costs, not based on stock market prices which are much lower.
The Co-operatives work with the farmers to help them consistently improve their farming methods, helping them tackle crop disease and the impact of global warming.